Monday, March 2, 2009

Clockwork Orange (1971)

Stanley Kubrick's Chilling tale of sex, violence, Beethoven's 9th symphony, Milk, and the twisted mind of one Alexander DeLarge. Kubrick use of the camera and strange soundtrack and his use of restricted narration all help you see into the strange world of this messed up boy.
Set in the futuristic 1995 London, England. Kubrick sends us into a strange and yet familiar world. Strange as in the Milk bar where the milk is laced with narcotics. Yet Familiar as we take a stroll through the trash covered streets of downtown London, where an unfortunate homeless man gets beat within an inch of his life, By our friendly group of miscreants. Familiar as Alex is caught by the police and taken to prison, where we see at least the justice department hasn't changed much. And Strange as Alex goes through an experimental Treatment. Which if all goes well would leave alex no more a menace to society. The scene's that follow at alex treatment center are almost always close-ups as you get a sense of the confinement alex feels. Kubrick mostly shows the characters in long/medium shots up until the suspense has you on the edge of your seat. And Kubrick doesn't fail to pay off with some unforgettable action scenes mostly in slow-motion, Because you would have to rewind anyway to see what happened for sure.
With stunning music and wacky sets the actors had a perfect canvas to work on to make this a great film. I enjoyed watching the movie a lot and plan on watching it again sooner than later. Hopefully not before i see some of Kubricks other works.